DogecoinDark News – February 2016 – DOGED Re-branding To VERGE / XVG

Dogecoindark is a cryptocurrency with many features.  Now it has a new name – Verge Cryptocurrency. Unlike other  alt coins that claim to be “dark” and “anonymous”  DOGED has a large and growing following and the developers feel that a “re-branding” is necessary to help differentiate this coin from all of the others.

dogecoindark DOGED image

DogecoinDark is re-branding to VERGE

What’s Going On With DogecoinDark?

Cryptolix had a brief conversation with the Dogecoindark developer and this is what he had to say on February 1st, 2016.

DogecoinDark/DOGED is re-branding to VERGE/XVG.  I guess the main reasons for this, was that the community was tired of not getting the recognition that we deserve, and I suppose I was as well.

Dogecoin’s developer, Jackson Palmer, left last year, in a rage quit/emo breakdown.. (although Dogecoin is where I started in crypto, and was an active miner/member of the community for quite some time before developing DogecoinDark.)

Also, as we all know, far too many coins have come out, with the name “dark” in them, but not truly lived up to the name. We are tired of being associated with coins that for all intents and purposes don’t have a true value, or offer anything unique.

There isn’t a single coin on the market today that offers the same amount of privacy and privacy resources that we do, and I think it’s time we are recognized for that. At this point, I’ve already finished up most of our i2p resources, and am now working on our tor network resources.  Feb. 15th, 2016 is the plan for when VERGE is coming.

DOGED Re-Branding To VERGE

verge cryptocurrency

Verge Cryptocurrency Is The Old Dogecoindark – Exactly The Same – Just A New Name

The re-branding of a cryptocurrency is nothing new.  Many coins have done it.

You can follow along with the process and join the conversation about the re-branding of this coin over on Bitcointalk.

You can visit the official website of the old Dogecoindark here and the newly branded Verge Cryptocurrency Bitcointalk here.

You can visit the new official website of Verge Cryptocurrency here.

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3 Responses to “DogecoinDark News – February 2016 – DOGED Re-branding To VERGE / XVG”

  1. I think XVG has tons of potiential. They seem a great team and supposedly have Atomic Swap already enabled though it can not work quite yet.
    WAVES is an ether token gone currency… and also they purport to alowing platforms to run under them… why do they refer to “DEX” they claim to have and never use the phrase ‘Atomic Swap’?
    I detect deception.
    certainly it seems like an unserhanded attempt, if not a total fabrication.

  2. wooo fuck yeah! VERGE 4 LIFE!


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