Cryptocurrency is the digital equivalent of cash across the internet. It can be freely exchanged with other people in exchange for goods and services. Following the success of Bitcoin, there are a lot of alternative digital currencies that are trying to become the defacto standard for use across the internet and many others just trying to find their own “niche”.

Gcoin’s user base is growing at a rapid pace. New games, Android wallet, active trading at Bleutrade, and more.
What is GCoin?
By: S. Gupta (+ developer updates below)
GCoin is aiming to be included on the list as one of the first digital currencies to go mainstream by incorporating it into games and gaming.
The developers behind this have tried to look at some of the drawbacks and criticisms of other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and tried to better them.
What Makes GCoin Different?
The barrier to entry into the system for some of the currencies is quite high. Bitcoin for example requires a complex and expensive machine to mine Bitcoin.
In the case of GCoin, even a modest machine can be used to mine it so almost anyone who is interested can join in and start earning GCoin.
How Many GCoins Will Be Available?
All the cryptocurrency algorithms come with a built in limit to the maximum number that can be produced. One of the disadvantages (or advantages – depending on your perspective) of these currencies is that they don’t have many coins in circulation and can be extremely volatile in price because of it. Bitcoin for example has seen valuations double and then promptly halve again in a matter of a few days.
GCoin has looked to fight this inherent volatility by increasing the number of currency in circulation. A total of 200 billion GCoins can enter into circulation before it hits the maximum limit.
If everything works out then the large distribution of GCoin will insulate it from volatility, increasing both investor and consumer confidence in the currency.
Where Can You Spend/Use GCoins?
Update: June 2015 – See our latest Gcoin Article – Click Here
This is one area that the GCoin foundation is working on at full pace to get the acceptance level of its currency on par with Bitcoin and then look to surpass it. There are casino games like Slots that can be played with GCoin currently (see below) with an app and wallet available in the Google Play store.
Bitcoin has led the path in becoming a credible currency and one that is accepted across a wide variety of companies and countries. Being accepted as valid tender by companies like Dell, and other corporations has added a lot to its credibility as well as the cryptocurrency movement as a whole.
Alternative currencies may have a tough road ahead of them and the only way to win this race is to provide a compelling, safe, widely distributed and readily accepted option, and Gcoin is striving to make a difference in the competitive realm of cryptocurrency. Visit the main Gcoin Website.
Gcoin Update
From Gcoin Developer – November 2014
What’s coming soon: More Games
1) Tron. We are in full programming mode here. I expect this game ready well before Christmas 2014. You will win GCoin here.
Update: Gcoin Tron game available for Android in Google Play – Click Here. It’s a free download and you can win Gcoin just from playing the game.
2) GCoin Breaker. Written by Dekker3D. This gem is in production.
A quote from the Developer:
“I have set up a website for my game project, “GCoin: Breaker Tournament”. It is a Breakout-style game with a focus on multiplayer and community, riding on the GCoin cryptocurrency network. This means that you can earn some cryptocurrency to play with and learn from just by playing this game!”
A new version of the classic with some real surprises including competitions and 3rd party viewing !!
Compete. Win GCoin.
Gcoin Mining
3) New dedicated servers for
Just finished:
Current games & ways to get GCoin
1) Super hacker protection for GCoin Android slots – See:
2) Gcoin Dice This is for the big gamblers. You can lose here.
2) Get paid GCoin for Facebook shares, Twitter tweets & other advertising.
3) Mine GCoin at one of 3 pools mentioned at or you can solo mine.
Where To Buy Gcoin With Other Cryptocurrencies
4) You used to be able to buy Gcoin at Bleutrade trading in the Dogecoin market – Less than 1 Satoshi – November 2014, but it now trades over on Cryptopia
Other Gcoin Stats
Users: Nearly 1000 downloads of our Android app.
Nearly 2000 registrations on
Unique visits to – 28,000+
GCoin wallets being used (estimated) 3,100
Facebook and Twitter followers 1000+
Cryptolix will be following the progress of Gcoin and will be posting updates as this exciting alt coin matures and its user base grows.
Update: June 2015 – See our latest Gcoin Article – Click Here
cryptocurrency, games, Gcoin, gcoin review, mining