Many new cryptocurrency coins come on the market every month and it seems that just as many of these coins “hit the dust” after just a short time.
UPDATE: Please see this article: for the latest on HTML Coin

Currently the best place to acquire HTML coin on the cheap is Bleutrade
Is HTML Coin Different?
It wasn’t long after the March 2014 launch of HTML Coin that many in the cryptocurrency trading community declared it “dead” – as in “never going to amount to anything.
It of course had a good rise initially (like many newly issued alt coins do) and then sank back down to almost nothing for several months not garnering much interest for a long time (a long time in the cryptocurrency world to many people is just a month or two).
Where Does HTML Coin Trade?
HTML coin trades on several exchanges – You can find the list at, and was listed on more exchanges than that for a while, but some exchanges dropped it after a couple of months because there wasn’t much interest.
The majority of the trade currently (August 2014) is taking place at Bleutrade (check the Dogecoin and LTC tabs) and for most of its short life the cheapest way to obtain this coin was to purchase it with Dogecoin, but the price is rising and it is currently being traded for LTC as well.
You won’t find much action in the BTC/HTML market because you can still get it cheaper than 1 Satoshi!
That’s one of the things that traders like about the Bleutrade Exchange – there are a seemingly infinite amount of trading pairs available – and for much of the time one could acquire 1 Billion HTML for less than 100 Thousand Dogecoin – but not anymore.
HTML Coin Rising
Now in late August 2014 there has been renewed interest. A lot of renewed interest in fact. Take a look at this chart.
(you can click on the image above to be taken to the current HTML chart at Bleutrade – Dogecoin market)
Why The Renewed Interest?
There is a community of followers that really believe in this coin. Check out the HTML Coin Facebook Group – and all of the commentary over on
While this coin has had its share of FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) just like every other cryptocurrency out there, it seems to be gaining traction and a strong sense that there is something different about this coin.
Besides… for just a few dollars, (or Dogecoins) you can still buy thousands of HTML coins and let it ride. Who knows what may come of it. I’m heading over to Bleutrade to buy some HTML Coin right now.
Bleutrade, cryptocurrency trading, HTML coin
Thanks for all your hard work and accomplishments to date. I do not believe the coin a sleeper cause instead rather a waking up to the exact circumstance that plagues all things from growth. But with that said and all that could time always tells and with cryptocurrency aged wine is finer. Thanks to all here team HTML5.
@Ran Ballan – Thanks for the comment. We too feel that HTMLcoin is a long term investment. Thanks for all your hard work as well.
OFFICIAL ANN: HTMLCOIN (version HTML5) will be:
Algorithm: X11 POW
Block Number: 100 Billion
Block Time: 60 seconds
Retarget: Dark Gravity Wave
Confirmations on Transactions: 20
Confirmations on Mined Blocks: 120
QR CODE support
UPNP Support
OLD HTML coin will be swap to NEW HTML (nickname HTML5) in a ratio of 8:1 to 20:1, depending on time of exchange. is the one doing the swapping. Other trading exchange and select groups will be authorised later.
Immediate needs:
-Faster desktop wallet synchronization.
-Github repository
-Block Explorer
-Resource Page for help
-Technical Support – HTMLCOIN core members
Intermediate needs:
-Android Wallet
-IOS Wallet
-More merchants
-More Point-of-sale (like COINTOPAY, CasheerApps, etc)
-Mining Pool
-Exchange Sites
-Mobile Apps
-Wallet Paper
Long-term needs:
-Community Building
-Outreach programs to communities
-Promotion to various media platform
-Other activities, as necessary.
I gave away over 198 million htmlcoin i think that’s where the renewed interest comes from, I had 300 million at the beginning, now holding on to my last 100 million to see if anything happens.