Bitcoin Makes Travel (a little bit) Easier

Anyone who has traveled internationally knows that it is sometimes difficult to swap your own currency for the local currency.  Coindesk recently published an article that shows how Bitcoin goes a long way in solving the problem.  See here.

Bitcoin ATM Map

Below is a Bitcoin ATM Map provided in the Coindesk article.

Bitcoin ATM map

The amount of Bitcoin Automatic Teller Machines is growing at an exponential pace around the world.

Why You Should Travel With Bitcoin

The idea of traveling with some Bitcoin at the ready is gaining a lot of traction.  If you have some Bitcoin and your destination includes a Bitcoin ATM nearby it is then easy to access the local currency without having to swap or trade your own currency for the local one.

  • Find the nearest Bitcoin ATM
  • Trade your Bitcoin(s) for the local currency
  • You’re done

Low Fees

One of the most popular things about Bitcoin and money transfers is the low fees involved.  No more high exchange rates at the local currency swap shops, plus you can save a lot in credit card fees when traveling too, not that we recommend carrying around only cash, but until Bitcoin acceptance is as ubiquitous as regular credit card acceptance around the world this concept works well as a bridge until we get there.

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One Response to “Bitcoin Makes Travel (a little bit) Easier”

  1. Great article. Short and to the point. This will be helpful to many people as more of them become aware of the advantages of carrying at least a little bit of Bitcoin with them when they travel.


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